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作者:来源:beat365唯一官网app 阅读次数:日期:2021年02月01日

 赖丽, 女,文学硕士。1982年大学毕业从教至今,担任过大学英语、专业英语口语、成教英语等多门课程的教学工作;现主讲研究生公共英语、研究生高级口语课程;长期承担外语培训中心的雅思口语、高级口语、语音与交流等。(原)西南农业大学学报(社科版)语言文学类编辑。20093月至6月在英国诺丁汉大学"劳伦斯研究中心"进行高级学术访问。研究兴趣:英国现代主义文学,英汉科技翻译。

LAI LI, with a degree of Master of Arts, has been teaching college English for both major and non-major students since 1982. Also specialized in teaching English for non-major graduate students, advanced speaking English and IELTS speaking. A senior visiting scholar in 2009 at the DHL Research Center in the University of Nottingham for a life-long interest and study on David Herbert Lawrence and his great works.